Peer-mentoring from fellow neurodivergent people.
Evidence suggests that peer-mentoring from fellow neurodivergent people can improve positive wellbeing.
Sunny Spectrum mentors are spectacular neurodivergent people who are client-focused and always work using people's strengths. At Sunny, we support people using neurodiversity affirming approaches and we are always learning new ways to best support people in achieving their goals and enjoying their lives.
Mentoring at Sunny is versatile, check out some examples of how it could look:
Playing Minecraft while socialising
Playing board games and practicing turn taking and patience
Supporting you to plan and execute tasks like tidying and homework
Supporting daily routines,
Support through uni studies with body doubling, executive functioning strategies
Exploring individual passions and special interests or finding new ones
Developing positive wellbeing through the arts
Supporting positive wellbeing, identity and acceptance
Mentoring can complement existing therapies OR offer an alternative to therapy.
Things our Mentors can do include:
Sevelop and build on skills for relationships, organisation or life transitions
Engage in the community and try new things
Routines to cook, clean and juggle every day chores
Confidence and self-esteem
Positive life choices and reaching goals
Self-advocacy and exercising of rights
Our team of neurodivergent Mentors are passionate about helping people to achieve their goals. Whether getting ready to start school or leave home; we're here to help you build those skills at your pace. We've been there. We get it.
We have Mentors with a wide intersection of lived-experience.
We believe in the importance of community, whether it be your Neuro-Kin (people with a similar brain style), cultural, LGBTQIA+ and so on. Access to like-minded peers is a key element to the formation of positive identity and social well-being.